The Dorfhotel Grengiols opens its "POORT" in September (Kopie)
What was planned for a long time is now becoming reality. The village hotel POORT A POORT, which is being built in the former Bettlihorn restaurant in Grengiols, will soon open its doors. The opening is scheduled for the end of September.
At the general meeting of POORT A POORT Dorfhotel AG on February 24 in Grengiols, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors Monika Holzegger informed shareholders about the current renovation and preparations for operation. Several years have passed since the initial idea for a decentralized hotel in the village center of Grengiols. During this time, the initiators around Beat Ritz, David Ritz and Monika Holzegger have never deviated from their actual goal, namely to make a contribution to a lively village life. The Grengiols village association in particular has organized various events in recent years and initiated the "Grängjer Kulturtäg". Now things are also getting concrete with the village hotel: the planning application submitted last fall for the Bettlihorn house was recently approved.
Conversion of Haus Bettlihorn in full swing
Along with the new restaurant as a meeting place for locals and guests, three hotel rooms will also be built. In a second stage, the conversion of the Grängjerstuba house will follow with additional rooms. In the meantime, the affected parts of the Bettlihorn building have been dismantled. According to architect David Ritz, structural reinforcements and the installation of a new suspended ceiling are scheduled for the coming weeks. The plinth floor has suffered extensive damage over the past two centuries and will now be strengthened again with a newly inserted wooden structure. They will give the entire house a new robustness. David Ritz emphasizes the central idea of being inspired by the original character of the building and its rooms during the renovation. The future guests of the Dorfhotel will be able to experience the authenticity of the rooms without having to compromise on basic comfort.
Over 2.4 million Swiss francs have been budgeted for the realization of the Dorfhotel. Thanks to generous contributions, the financing is well on the way. The initiators were also able to count on many private individuals who donated many small amounts, particularly as part of a crowdfunding campaign. However, further donations are still needed and welcome in order to close the remaining gap.
Managing director found for the village hotel
Preparations for the operation have also begun. Monika Holzegger is delighted to have found an experienced manager for the Dorfhotel in Madlen Kimmig from Naters. Talks are currently being held with other interested people to complete the team. There will be a grand opening ceremony for the numerous patrons and interested members of the public on the last weekend in September. However, we cannot reveal any more at this point.