Regio Challenge 2024

Take part in the Regio Challenge from 16-22 September 2024!

The Swiss Small Farmers' Association is organising the Regio Challenge for the sixth time. The idea behind it: a week of eating and drinking what has been produced within a cycling distance (approx. 30 km). With this week of action, the small farmers' association aims to raise awareness of sustainable, regional and seasonal consumption. The Binntal Landscape Park and the Swiss Parks Network are also taking part in the campaign week. 

How can you take part?

Principle: During one week, only use products that are about 30 km away from your home. 
Joker: you can individually use three ingredients that were produced outside the 30 kilometres.
Don't have enough time to cook yourself? No problem, there are three restaurants in the Binntal Landscape Park that take it in turns to prepare a Regio Challenge menu. 

Restaurant Grängierstuba, Tuesday, 17 and Friday, 20 September
Mixed salad from the Binnachera and Grengjer gardens

Bärgkristall Restaurant & Hotel, Wednesday, 18 and Saturday, 21 September
Binner Alpine pork with Binner potato salad, leek and tomato from the Binnachera

BerglandHof Hotel and Restaurant ErnerGarten, Thursday, 19 and Sunday, 22 September
ErnerGarten antipasti
ErnerGarten burger (meat or veggie)
Crepes with regional fruit

By the way: in addition to the Binntal Landscape Park, the Pfyn-Finges Regional Nature Park is also taking part in the Regio Challenge. If you are planning a trip there during this time, we recommend a visit to the Emshorn restaurant in Oberems or the Tea-Rooom Mathieu bakery in Susten. 


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