Ausserbinn – Steinmatten
The shortest route between Ausserbinn and Steinmatten is to take the motorway to "Lätze Üsserbi" and then continue on the hiking trail to the Steinmatten tunnel portal
Hiking trails are generally accessible paths that are usually intended for pedestrians. There are no specific requirements for walking on these paths. They are marked in yellow.
Mountain hiking trails are hiking trails that sometimes open up impassable terrain. They are predominantly steep and narrow and sometimes exposed. The signposts are yellow with white-red-white tips, confirmations and markings are white-red-white.
Alpine hiking trails are challenging paths. They sometimes lead through pathless terrain, over snowfields and glaciers, over scree slopes or through rock with short climbing sections. These trails require good equipment and very good surefootedness. The signposts are blue with white-blue-white tips, confirmations and markings are white-blue-white.
Stoneman Glaciara Hike: Following the success of the Stoneman Glaciara for mountain bikers, this variant is now an exclusive adventure for hikers and trail runners. Over 65 kilometers in length, 3,150 breathtaking meters in altitude, 2 valley-spanning suspension bridges, 1 spectacular ridge hike and the billions of tons of ice of the mightiest glacier in Central Europe - that's the Stoneman Glaciara Hike. You can find more information here.
The shortest route between Ausserbinn and Steinmatten is to take the motorway to "Lätze Üsserbi" and then continue on the hiking trail to the Steinmatten tunnel portal
A short but rewarding hike with views of the Rhone valley. A walk where you can soak up the sun and listen to the sound of the water.
A charming circular route with detours into the Binna gorge. Highlights such as the old Roman bridge, picturesque hamlets bathed in sunshine and spectacular views of the Rhone Valley make this hike an unforgettable experience.
Entdecken Sie die eindrücklichsten Baum-Persönlichkeiten zwischen Grengiols und Bister.
Entdecken Sie die eindrücklichsten Baum-Persönlichkeiten rund um Ernen.
Entdecken Sie die eindrücklichsten Baum-Persönlichkeiten im Gebiet Wasen - Binnachra - Seng
Entdecken Sie die eindrücklichsten Baum-Persönlichkeiten im Gebiet Wasen - Binnegga - Uf en Egga.
Entdecken Sie die eindrücklichsten Baum-Persönlichkeiten rund um Binn.
We start off in the mineral village of Binn. The trial takes us to the hamlet of Zen Binnen, through the wild Twingi gorge, over the Roman bridge to the now uninhabited hamlet Hockmatta and after a small ascent into the Zauberwald.
The hike starts from Binn through the hamlet of Wilere along the contemplation path into the Lengtal. Upon reaching Heiligkreuz, the path crosses three streams: the Chriegalpwasser, the Lengtalwasser, and the Saflischbach.