Individual excursion with park guide

Put together a program of your choice with one of our certified park guides.

The "Parkguides from Binntal" are hiking guides, mountain guides or other interested parties who have completed the training course of the same name on the nature and culture of the park, with a focus on rocks and minerals.
The guides are highly trained to conduct themed tours and excursions for groups, partly on behalf of the park and partly on an independent basis.
There are no limits to the variety on offer. Benefit from the concentrated know-how of our experts and do not hesitate to contact the guides.

Martin Clausen

Parkguide Landscape Park Binntal

Transboundary Parkguide Binntal - Veglia - Devero

Languages: DE, EN

Thematic focus: Hikes in the fascinating landscape of the park (up to T4); pleasure-orientated, active events for companies, clubs and families, thematic focuses can be adapted (‘The Landscape Park’; social issues, history, culture; geology-minerals)

Special features: wild animals (red deer as border crossers); fly fishing in the park (guided), snowshoe hiking (e.g. Käserstatt)

Contact: Tel: 079 235 93 73, e-mail


Rolf Zimmermann

Park guide Landschaftspark Binntal

Languages: DE, FR, EN

Thematic focus: culture/history/social issues, settlement of the Binntal, Walser hikes, cultural/historical connections, Binntal-Italy, geology of the Binntal including botany.

Special features: guided tours of the village of Grengiols and its hamlets, hike to Maiensäss with aperitif, hike on the subject of the geologically curious special case of the Binntal, hike on the subject of iron ore mining in the Binntal - a thriller with political dimensions, hike on the subject of Ager - the sunken Walser village.

Contact: Obermatt 1, 4558 Heinrichswil
Tel: 079 330 13 79, e-mail,

Therese Plüss

Hiking guide ASAM with federal certificate (T4), excursion leader BirdLife, field ornithologist, park guide Landschaftspark Binntal

Languages: DE, FR, IT

Thematic focus: Nature and landscape; village tours in Binn and its hamlets, Mühlebach, Ernen, Grengiols; culture and history; winter hikes with and without snowshoes

Special features: animal and human tracks; animal observations; birds and their habitats; flora in the Binntal valley; cheese, cows and alpine culture; geology; mountain lakes and their secrets; multi-day tours; challenging hikes (T4)

Contact: Tel: 062 794 05 14 / Mobile (on the road):079 791 73 55,

Sibylle Omlin

Art historian, park guide Landschaftspark Binntal

Languages: DE, FR, EN

Thematic focus: culture, art

Special features: Art in the landscape, cultural-geographical and geological features of the landscape in the Binntal, which find their expression in culture and art

Contact: e-mail,

Kathrin Müller

SAC hiking guide, excursion leader BirdLife, park guide Landschaftspark Binntal

Languages: DE, EN

Thematic focus: Nature and landscape

Contact: 079 126 07 30, e-mail

Elisabeth Floh Müller

Teacher, certified tourism expert, hiking guide with federal certificate, park guide Binntal Landscape Park

Languages: DE, FR

Thematic focus: Original and rich knowledge transfer on geological and mineralogical processes and contexts. Along the way - depending on the season - we get to know unique plants in their habitats.

Contact: e-mail


Maurus Gsponer

certified hiking guide ASAM, snowshoeing, photography, hunting, MTB, park guide Landschaftspark Binntal

Language: DE

Thematic focus: Nature, culture, hunting

Contact: Tel: 079 744 6505, e-mail

Rolf Gruber

Hiking guide SWL/UIMLA with federal certificate incl. T4, retired border guard, park guide Landschaftspark Binntal

Language: DE, FR, IT

Thematic focus: Geology, mineralogy, prof. blaster and gold panner, history (smuggling, partisans)

Contact: Simplonstrasse 19, 3907 Gondo, Tel: 079 469 54 36, E-Mail

Christine Gehlken

Hiking guide SAC with federal certificate, park guide Landschaftspark Binntal

Languages: DE, EN, IT, (FR)

Thematic focus: General; culture and history, nature and landscape

Special features: Trade and transport routes, smuggling, Walser people

Contact: Kornfeldweg 2, 3604 Thun
Tel: 079 746 23 27, e-mail


Peter Abbühl

Park guide Landschaftspark Binntal, retired family doctor

Languages: DE, FR, EN

Thematic focus: landscape, geology, culture and tourism of the Binntal and the Devero and Veglia Alps. Planning and realization of individual guided tours.

Special: Alpine education with a focus on the formation of the Binntal.

Events: ' Twingi experience'; 'The Binntal: a jewel'; 'Wild landslide landscape Manibode-Furggulti'; 'The snake stone from the Geisspfad'.

Contact: Tel.: 079 508 95 60, e-mail

Bernhard Balmer

Park guide Landschaftspark Binntal

Languages: DE, FR, EN

Thematic focus: Geology and flora, large discovery tours, bike tours, history of the Binntal, village tours in Ernen and Mühlebach.

Contact: Tel: 079 434 55 11, e-mail

Dominique Balmer

Hiking guide SWL with federal certificate (T4), park guide Landschaftspark Binntal

Languages: DE, FR, EN

Thematic focus: Geology and flora, wild herb aperos, village tours in Ernen and Mühlebach with culture and history, snowshoe tours, multi-day tours in the Binntal or to Italy, pleasure tours.

Contact: Tel: 079 781 2552, e-mail, facebook: Dominique Balmer

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