© Brigitte Wolf© Brigitte Wolf

© Brigitte Wolf

Regional Nature Park

In 2002, the municipalities of Binn, Ernen and Grengiols launched the "Binntal Nature Park" project. Nine years later and expanded to include the municipalities of Bister, Blitzingen and Niederwald, the Binntal Nature Park was definitively awarded the label "Regional Nature Park of National Importance" in September 2011. The Binntal Nature Park was thus the first regional nature park in the canton of Valais. One year later, Pfyn-Finges in central Valais was also awarded the nature park label.

The Binntal Nature Park periodically concludes performance agreements with the Confederation and the canton in order to achieve its objectives. These agreements also regulate the financial support from the Confederation and canton.

The Binntal is known as the "valley of hidden treasures" and is renowned for its wealth of minerals. The flora and fauna in the Binntal Nature Park are also extremely diverse. The villages and their hamlets with their sun-browned houses are so well preserved that they are recognized as sites of national and regional importance. They are located in an intact cultural landscape, which is still maintained with a great deal of effort and love.

What is a regional nature park?

The Binntal Nature Park is a "Regional Nature Park of National Importance" according to the criteria of the Swiss Nature and Cultural Heritage Protection Act (NCHA). In the Regional Nature Parks, the protection and maintenance of valuable habitats and particularly beautiful landscapes are combined with economic development. Agriculture, tourism and commerce should benefit from the advantages of the landscape, but at the same time treat them with care. The aim is to achieve a harmonious balance between conservation and development.

The direction of development is controlled by the inhabitants of the park. They are therefore actively involved in the process. The parks help to secure the economic, social and cultural independence of the municipalities and regions in the future. The aims of the Regional Nature Parks:

  • Preservation and enhancement of the quality of nature and landscape
  • Strengthening the sustainable economy
  • Raising awareness and environmental education
  • Management, communication and spatial protection


A label for the Swiss parks

In addition to the labeling of products such as "AOC" or "Bio", the labeling of regions is becoming increasingly important. Regions such as the Binntal hope that labels such as "Nature Park" or "Regional Nature Park" will provide new economic impetus. For example, the local resource of wood is to be given a higher status again and processed and used in the region.

In May 2005, the sponsors of parks and park projects of national importance joined forces to form the "Swiss Parks Network". The aim is a joint presence thanks to a national "Swiss Parks" label, coordinated marketing and advertising campaigns as well as national and international networking and knowledge transfer among the parks and park projects.

You can find more information on the website of the Swiss Parks Network

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