© Oliver Ritz© Oliver Ritz

© Oliver Ritz

Sponsors and foundations

The Binntal Landscape Park implements projects to preserve the natural and cultural landscape and promote a sustainable economy as part of service agreements with the federal government and canton. Numerous projects have been implemented in recent years. The Confederation and the canton are the nature park's most important funding partners.

We would like to thank all those who support the Binntal Landscape Park:

  • Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
  • Canton Valais (Office for Forests and Landscape)
  • Municipalities of Binn, Ernen, Grengiols, Goms and Bister
  • Swiss Landscape Fund
  • Landscape Conservation Foundation
  • Zurich Lottery Fund
  • Loterie Romande
  • Sponsorship for the mountain communities
  • Pro Natura
  • Ernst Göhner Foundation
  • Pro Patria
  • Swiss Mountain Aid
  • Sophie and Karl Binding Foundation
  • Innotour - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
  • Aletsch Forest
  • Goms Forest
  • WWF Upper Valais
  • Raiffeisenbank Aletsch-Goms

Numerous other sponsors and donors as well as many volunteers support the Binntal Landscape Park. You will find a detailed list in the association's annual report.

Your donation

With your donation you support us in our general goals and specific projects. Thank you very much for your support.

Donate using the donation form on this page, or via the following bank details:

Raiffeisenbank Aletsch-Goms
IBAN: CH32 8053 9000 0044 6333 8

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