© Brigitte Wolf© Brigitte Wolf

© Brigitte Wolf

Wildlife rest areas in the neighboring Veglia-Devero Park

Aree Protette dell'Ossola and Coop. Devero 2.0 have signed an agreement that defines two quiet zones "with increased protection", which are prohibited for skiers, snowshoe hikers and hikers, in the Monte Cazzola - Vallone di Misanco area.
From November 15 to April 30, it is forbidden to enter the quiet zones with increased protection.
All areas outside the wildlife rest areas with increased protection remain accessible for your excursions. We ask you to observe the behavioral recommendations that you will find on the signs on site.
In particular: Dogs on a leash and on the existing paths.

We invite you to consult the maps and flyers to get an overview of the areas.


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