Public transportation Veglia Devero

Alpe Devero

Alpe Devero can be reached by bus from Domodossola. First take the Comazzibus in the direction of "Ponte Formazza, Cascate del Toce" as far as Baceno. In Baceno, change to the Pronto bus to Alpe Devero.

Comazzibus from Domodossola to Baceno (Ponte Formazza - Cascate del Toce):
Winter timetable from 11 September 2024 to 8 June 2025

Pronto bus from Baceno to Devero:
Winter timetable from 11 September 2024 to 8 June 2025
Important: The Pronto bus routes marked with the telephone symbol only run if you book by telephone the day before.

Alpe Veglia

Alpe Veglia is no longer accessible in winter as soon as the first snow falls, usually until June of the following year.

In summer, the Pronto bus runs from Varzo station to San Domenico / Ponte Campo (terminus). From there, it takes around two hours on foot along the dirt road to Alpe Veglia.

The chairlift from Sam Domenico to Ciamporino is currently not running as it is being rebuilt.
A beautiful access to Alpe Veglia is the hike from Rio Croso near San Domenico via Alpe Gilardino to Sentiero dei Fiori and on to Alpe Balma on Veglia. (Ascent: approx. 600 vertical meters, 2 hours. Descent: approx. 300 vertical meters, 45 minutes). On request, the chauffeur will stop at Rio Croso between San Domenico and Ponte Campo. The hiking trail to Gilardino and the Sentiero dei Fiori is well marked, but is not on the hiking maps.


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