© Daniela Heldner© Daniela Heldner

© Daniela Heldner

Flora / Fauna

The Binntal Landscape Park is home to an extremely rich variety of flora and fauna. Many species are found only here in Switzerland or have their main distribution here.

Valleys in all directions from 900 m above sea level are overlooked by mountains up to 3250 m above sea level. Passes from east to west lead to different areas, which climatically belong sometimes to the insubrian Ticino, sometimes to the dry Rhone Valley or sometimes to the Simplon region, which is different again.

The steep terrain of the Binntal has always successfully prevented overly intensive use. Extremely dry and rocky slopes on the sun-exposed side of the valley form a stark contrast to the wooded, rather damp slopes on the shady side. In simplified geological terms, a distinction can be made between a northern side of the valley dominated by alkaline rocks and a southern side dominated by acidic rocks. These geological and topographical features favor an exceptionally rich flora and fauna.

© Stefan Zurschmitten© Stefan Zurschmitten

© Stefan Zurschmitten


The Binntal valley is home to an extremely diverse fauna. Many species are found only here in Switzerland or have their main distribution here.

The steep relief of the Binntal valley has always successfully prevented overly intensive use. In the Binntal Landscape Park, extremely dry and rocky slopes on the sun-exposed…

Native flora

The Binntal is a hotspot for flora - this requires the interaction of various factors: the topography is extremely varied. Valleys in all directions from 900 m above sea level are overlooked

The richest flora thrives in the northern part of the Binntal on the brownish weathered, mostly calcareous Bünder slate with a mixed mineral content. In…

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